Results for 'H. S. Park'

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  1.  24
    Surface composition effects on martensitic phase transformations in nickel aluminium nanowires.H. S. Park & V. Laohom - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (14-15):2159-2168.
  2.  42
    A concurrent validity study of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised and Columbia Mental Maturity Scale.Howard H. Carvajal, Cherri S. Parks, James P. Parks, Robert A. Logan & Gregory L. Page - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (1):33-34.
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    Exponential stability for markovian jumping stochastic BAM neural networks with mode-dependent probabilistic time-varying delays and impulse control.R. Rakkiyappan, A. Chandrasekar, S. Lakshmanan & Ju H. Park - 2015 - Complexity 20 (3):39-65.
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    State estimation of memristor‐based recurrent neural networks with time‐varying delays based on passivity theory.R. Rakkiyappan, A. Chandrasekar, S. Laksmanan & Ju H. Park - 2014 - Complexity 19 (4):32-43.
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    Indentation on YSZ thermal barrier coating layers deposited by electron beam PVD.S. H. Park, S. K. Kim, T. W. Kim, U. Paik & K. S. Lee - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5453-5463.
  6.  31
    Hidden order and hybridization gap in URu2Si2via quasiparticle scattering spectroscopy.W. K. Park, S. M. Narasiwodeyar, E. D. Bauer, P. H. Tobash, R. E. Baumbach, F. Ronning, J. L. Sarrao, J. D. Thompson & L. H. Greene - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3737-3746.
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    Generations of ‘shock absorbers’: women caregivers of young children and their efforts to mitigate food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.R. Lindberg, C. Parks, A. Bastian, A. L. Yaroch, F. H. McKay, P. van der Pligt, J. Zinga & S. A. McNaughton - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Despite their status as high-income food producing nations, children and their caregivers, both in the United States (U.S.) and Australia can experience food insecurity. Nutrition researchers formed a joint U.S.-Australia collaboration to help advance food security for households with young children aged 0–5 years. This study investigated food insecurity from the perspective of caregivers, especially their perceptions of the impact of food insecurity on their own childhood, their current life, and for the children in their care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted (...)
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  8. Generations of ‘shock absorbers’: women caregivers of young children and their efforts to mitigate food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.R. Lindberg, C. Parks, A. Bastian, A. L. Yaroch, F. H. McKay, P. van der Pligt, J. Zinga & S. A. McNaughton - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):35-51.
    Despite their status as high-income food producing nations, children and their caregivers, both in the United States (U.S.) and Australia can experience food insecurity. Nutrition researchers formed a joint U.S.-Australia collaboration to help advance food security for households with young children aged 0–5 years. This study investigated food insecurity from the perspective of caregivers, especially their perceptions of the impact of food insecurity on their own childhood, their current life, and for the children in their care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted (...)
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    Crystallization behaviour of ALD-Ta2O5thin films: the application of in-situ TEM.K. -H. Min, R. Sinclair *, I. -S. Park, S. -T. Kim & U. -I. Chung - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (18):2049-2063.
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    Connectionism and psychiatry: a brief review.S. B. G. Park & A. H. Young - 1994 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (1):51-58.
  11.  37
    The risks of oral contraceptives and estrogen replacement therapy.F. L. Coe, J. H. Parks, R. A. Fraser, S. B. Hotz, J. B. Hurtig, S. N. Hodges, D. Moher, B. Wolf, A. G. Wile & P. J. DiSaia - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33 (1):86-106.
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    Herippidas, Harmost At Thebes.H. W. Parke - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (3-4):159-.
    In Plutarch's two narratives of the recapture of the Cadmea by the Thebans, 379/8 B.C. , he speaks of three harmosts as in command of the Spartan garrison. This is the only instance in Spartan history where more than one harmost is mentioned as exercising authority in the same city, and it suggests the question: Was Thebes for some reason receiving different treatment from the other cities where we hear of harmosts in residence ?
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    The Impossible Science: An Institutional Analysis of American Sociology.Stephen Park Turner & Jonathan H. Turner - 1990 - Sage Publications.
    Tracing the history of American sociology since the Civil War, the authors of this important volume explain the field′s diversity, its lack of unifying paradigms, its broad, eclectic research agenda and its general weakness as an institutional force in either academia or the policy arena. They highlight the equivocal and often contradictory missions that sociologists prescribe for themselves and the variable nature of human, financial and intellectual resources available to the profession.
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    Polycrates and Delos.H. W. Parke - 1946 - Classical Quarterly 40 (3-4):105-.
    There is preserved in Suidas' Lexicon a story about Polycrates of Samos and the island of Delos. It is offered by the lexicographer as an explanation of the phrase τατ σοι κα πύθια κα δλια , when used in a colloquial sense to mean ‘it's all the same to you’. Polycrates had instituted a festival on Delos and asked the Pythia whether to call it by the one name or the other. The phrase, which was supposed to have been the (...)
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    Linear analysis of the viscoelastic response of polymer micro-pillars using the open-loop flat punch indentation test.J. -H. Kim, S. -J. Jeong, H. -J. Lee, S. -W. Han, B. -I. Choi, S. -H. Park & D. -Y. Yang - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5679-5690.
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    The temple of Apollo at Didyma: the building and its function (plate VII).H. W. Parke - 1986 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 106:121-131.
    The Hellenistic temple of Apollo at Didyma presents several unique features in its plan. In its exterior it resembles the typical large Ionic temple of Asia Minor with a double colonnade surrounding it, no opisthodomus, and a pronaos containing three rows of four columns each. But at this point the plan of the temple was modified in the strangest manner. For the pronaos does not lead by a great central doorway into the cella, but where the doorway should come, the (...)
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  17.  28
    Art in wartime: The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914.M. P. Park & R. H. R. Park - 2011 - Medical Humanities 37 (1):23-26.
    John Lavery's The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914 records a memorable event in the First World War. This painting and the archives of the Royal London Hospital provide a fascinating insight into the nursing and medical care of these early war casualties.
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    People's Park: Dimensions of a Campus Confrontation.Abraham H. Miller - 1972 - Politics and Society 2 (4):433-457.
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    Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of a nearly saturated3He-4He mixture.G. M. Schmiedeshoff, A. W. Lounsbury, S. W. Tozer, E. C. Palm, S. T. Hannahs, T. P. Murphy, J. -H. Park, C. P. Opeil & K. S. Bedell - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):2071-2078.
  20. The Contexts of Simultaneous Discovery: Slater, Pauling, and the Origins of Hybridisation.B. S. Park - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):451-474.
    This paper investigates a well-known case of simultaneous discovery in twentieth-century chemistry, the origins of the concept of hybridisation, in the light of Kuhn's insights. There has been no ambiguity as to who discovered this concept, when it was "rst in print, and how important it was. The full-#edged form of the concept was published in 1931 independently by two American scientists John C. Slater (1900}1976) and Linus Pauling (1901}1994), although both of them had made their ideas public earlier: Slater (...)
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  21.  99
    Culture and Organizational Climate: Nurses' Insights Into Their Relationship With Physicians.David Cruise Malloy, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Elizabeth Fahey McCarthy, Robin J. Evans, Dwight H. Zakus, Illyeok Park, Yongho Lee & Jaime Williams - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (6):719-733.
    Within any organization (e.g. a hospital or clinic) the perception of the way things operate may vary dramatically as a function of one’s location in the organizational hierarchy as well as one’s professional discipline. Interorganizational variability depends on organizational coherence, safety, and stability. In this four-nation (Canada, Ireland, Australia, and Korea) qualitative study of 42 nurses, we explored their perception of how ethical decisions are made, the nurses’ hospital role, and the extent to which their voices were heard. These nurses (...)
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  22.  37
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Sue Ellen Henry, Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon, Malcolm B. Campbell, Donald Vandenberg, William H. Fisher, J. Charles Park, James van Patten, Douglas W. Doyle, Rita S. Saslaw & Constance Marie Willett - 1998 - Educational Studies 29 (1):15-61.
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  23. G. Parkes: Composing the Soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology.H. Steilberg - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25:428-430.
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    The Nature of School Subjects in Connection with Life Implied in P. H. Hirst's Curriculum Theory.Chae-Hyeong Park - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 17 (2):53.
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    Bertrand Russell on Education.Boyd H. Bode's Philosophy of Education.Joe Park & J. J. Chambliss - 1964 - Journal of Philosophy 61 (17):512-516.
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  26.  38
    Myths and Society - Henry Bamford Parkes: Gods and Men: the Origins of Western Culture Pp. xii + 489 + vii; 16 plates. London: Routledge, 1960. Cloth, 45 s. net. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (02):156-157.
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    (1 other version)Lynn H. Loomis and Shlomo Sternberg. Advanced calculus. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., Menlo Park, Calif., London, and Don Mills, Ontario, 1963, xi + 580 pp. [REVIEW]Ann S. Ferebee - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):631-632.
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    A presentation volume for Henry VIII: The charlecote park copy of erasmus's institutio principis christiani.Cecil H. Clough - 1981 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1):199-202.
  29. The Delphic Oracle - H. W. Parke and D. E. W. Wormell: The Delphic Oracle. Vol. i: The History; Vol. ii: The Oracular Responses. Pp. x + 436, xxxvi + 271. Oxford: Blackwell, 1956. Cloth, ÂŁ4. 4 s. net. [REVIEW]W. G. Forrest - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (01):67-70.
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  30. How causal are microbiomes? A comparison with the Helicobacter pylori explanation of ulcers.Kate E. Lynch, Emily C. Parke & Maureen A. O’Malley - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (6):62.
    Human microbiome research makes causal connections between entire microbial communities and a wide array of traits that range from physiological diseases to psychological states. To evaluate these causal claims, we first examine a well-known single-microbe causal explanation: of Helicobacter pylori causing ulcers. This apparently straightforward causal explanation is not so simple, however. It does not achieve a key explanatory standard in microbiology, of Koch’s postulates, which rely on manipulations of single-microorganism cultures to infer causal relationships to disease. When Koch’s postulates (...)
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  31.  13
    Research on the Expression of Naturalistic Style in the Landscape Design of Xuzhou Abandoned Mine Park.Fatima Hassan Mohammed Dr Mihaira H. Haddad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:9231-939.
    In recent years, more and more mines have been left idle, and the formed mine wasteland has become a visual pollution of the urban landscape, and the study of landscape design of mine parks has become a focal topic. To address this issue, the sample of this study was selected from Xuzhou Anran Mountain Quarry Abandoned Quarry, to enhance the ecological environment and landscape value of the site through the sample's naturalistic style design and performance. The goal of the study (...)
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  32.  38
    Applying Two-level Utilitarianism and the Principle of Fairness to Mandatory Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Situation in South Korea.Sungjin Park - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):81-92.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Korean society has sought to vaccinate most of its population. Consequently, the Korean government has attempted to make vaccination compulsory by promoting awareness of its benefits. The administration has pushed for mandatory vaccination by claiming that vaccination is more beneficial than harmful, based on a utilitarian view. However, this view is difficult to justify based on the two levels of utilitarianism presented by R. M. Hare. Compulsory vaccination cannot satisfy the universalizability, nor the satisfaction (...)
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  33. Philip Burnham, Indian Country, God's Country: Native Americans and the National Parks.M. H. Tubesing - 2002 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 5:171-172.
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  34. The Range of Peirce's Relevance.Max H. Fisch - 1980 - The Monist 63 (3):269-276.
    “Arisbe,” the Peirce home near Milford, Pennsylvania, belongs to the National Park Service, and the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is responsible for its care. In 1979 a geodetic triangulation station was installed in the front yard and named the “C. S. Peirce Station.” This was intended, at least in part, as a recognition of the fact that Peirce's scientific career was in the service of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and that the first of his more than (...)
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  35.  69
    Real Beauty Eddy M. Zemach University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997, xi + 222 pp. [REVIEW]Alan H. Goldman - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (3):667-.
    This is as much a book in metaphysics as ĂŚsthetics. Zemach supports his views of ĂŚsthetic properties and fictional entities by proposing an original basic ontology. There are not many examples from or observations on particular artworks, although he does make some interesting claims about contemporary art and the source of its value. But for originality and depth, for the systematic nature of its vision and the rigour and clarity of its arguments, it is hard to praise this book too (...)
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  36.  16
    Stewards of Access, Custodians of Choice: A Philosophical Foundation for the Park and Recreation Profession.Daniel L. Dustin, Leo H. McAvoy & John H. Schultz - 1995 - Sagamore Pub Llc.
    The authors explore the simulating, philosophical question, "What is the importance of parks and recreation to the quality of life?". Asked by students, educators and practitioners alike, the answer to the question is the core of one's philosophy in the field of recreation. The text has been written so that it is easy to comprehend. The authors present the material in a first person plural and without gender biased language. Each section contains probing questions and a list of references.
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  37.  19
    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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  38.  64
    A Note on Strict Implication (1935).C. I. Lewis & C. H. Langford - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-6.
    Editor's Note: This paper was found in galley proof form from the journal Mind in the C.I. Lewis Archives in the Special Collections Department of the Stanford University Libraries, call number M174, Box 18, Folder 1. There are two copies of the proofs in this folder, one includes Lewis's corrections. The version that appears here incorporates all of Lewis's corrections. Where these corrections are substantive, the original wording is give in a footnote. The paperwas withdrawn from publication by Lewis early (...)
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  39.  13
    Cultures of Ambivalence and Contempt: Studies in Jewish-non-Jewish Relations : Essays in Honour of the Centenary of the Birth of James Parkes.S. Jones, James William Parkes, Sarah Pearce & Tony Kushner - 1998
    This collection of essays focuses on the concepts of tolerance and intolerance as it commemorates the life of James Parkes - the man who pioneered the study of antisemitism and Jewish-non-Jewish relations. The essays analyse many different examples of antisemitism, ambivalence and philosemitism.
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  40. Bounded awareness: what you fail to see can hurt you. [REVIEW]Dolly Chugh & Max H. Bazerman - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (1):1-18.
    ObjectiveWe argue that people often fail to perceive and process stimuli easily available to them. In other words, we challenge the tacit assumption that awareness is unbounded and provide evidence that humans regularly fail to see and use stimuli and information easily available to them. We call this phenomenon “bounded awareness” (Bazerman and Chugh in Frontiers of social psychology: negotiations, Psychology Press: College Park 2005). Findings We begin by first describing perceptual mental processes in which obvious information is missed—that (...)
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  41. Criticism of individualist and collectivist methodological approaches to social emergence.S. M. Reza Amiri Tehrani - 2023 - Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 15 (3):111-139.
    ABSTRACT The individual-community relationship has always been one of the most fundamental topics of social sciences. In sociology, this is known as the micro-macro relationship while in economics it refers to the processes, through which, individual actions lead to macroeconomic phenomena. Based on philosophical discourse and systems theory, many sociologists even use the term "emergence" in their understanding of micro-macro relationship, which refers to collective phenomena that are created by the cooperation of individuals, but cannot be reduced to individual actions. (...)
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  42.  23
    Looking for Asian America: An Ethnocentric Tour by Wing Young Huie.Wing Young Huie, Frank H. Wu, Anita Gonzalez & Tara Simpson Huie - 2007 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    “Looking for Asian America shows real people engaged in the full range of human activity. This is no small accomplishment for the photographer or his subjects. For Asian Americans it is extraordinary to be merely ordinary. To others, even if not to themselves, Asian Americans appear to be contradictions of identity—a Chinese-Yankee is a knockoff.” —Frank H. Wu, from the Foreword In search of contemporary Asian America, celebrated photographer Wing Young Huie—the only member of his family not born in China—traveled (...)
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    Appraising Intangible Assets from the Viewpoint of Value Drivers.Grace T. R. Lin & Jerry Y. H. Tang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):679-689.
    This article does not intend to actually valuate intangible assets but focuses to investigate the relative value distribution of corporate intangible assets, and this links closely to the concept and application of value drivers. This is because we believe that drivers or attributes of the value significantly determine how the virtual value of these intangibles can be created for companies. We apply the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to the appraising process of intangible assets. The AHP method can mainly sort the (...)
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  44. A Warning to Maidens, or, Advice to Girls and Young Women, by H.S.P.S. P. H. & Warning - 1885
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    After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology.Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson (eds.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Anthropologists now openly acknowledge that social anthropology can no longer fulfill its traditional aim of providing holistic, objective representations of people of "exotic" cultures. After Writing Culture asks what theoretical and practical role contemporary anthropology can play in our increasingly unpredictable and complex world. With fourteen articles written by well-known anthropologists, the work explores some of the directions in which contemporary anthropology is moving, following the questions raised by the "writing culture" debates of the 1980s. Some of the chapters cover: (...)
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  46. Newton’s Philosophy of Nature.H. S. Thayer - 1953
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    XII—Some Patterns of Justification in Ethics.H. S. Eveling - 1966 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 66 (1):149-166.
    H. S. Eveling; XII—Some Patterns of Justification in Ethics, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 66, Issue 1, 1 June 1966, Pages 149–166, https://do.
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    Behavior of the Lower Organisms.H. S. Jennings - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (24):658-666.
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  49. Problèmes de Philosophie des Sciences.S. I. Dockx, H. J. Pos, E. W. Beth, H. D. Dubarle, J. Daujat & F. Gonseth - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (5):75-78.
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    Critical notes on Dewey's theory of propositions.H. S. Thayer - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (20):607-613.
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